By Liesa Maria Lettau
Most people know her as Wolfie, but born she was as Daniela Wolf in a tiny village in Thuringia, Germany. One that wants rather too much than too little Rock 'n' Roll in her life and whose passion for music transformed her into an inspired young rock chick, illustrator and fashion designer of her clothing brand WILDA WOLF. She's one half of BLITZ SHOP – a space for alternative fashion, vinyl and underground comix in Groninger Str. 4, close to the station Nauener Platz in the wild wild Wedding of Berlin.
It all started one afternoon: Two best friends (Crippa Almqvist) sitting in the Wilda Wolf Studio, a couple of beers, an impressive collection of Rock 'n' Roll posters and the will to connect what belongs together: Music, super heroes and a dope-as-fuck wardrobe, that any style junkie just
dreams of.
So what is the typical Blitz Kids look, I ask Wolfie, and she says: “I would say the typical Blitz style is DIY, a bit punk, a bit glam rock and a bit of pop. Flashy but also dark, girly, queer and fetish, too. Altogether let's say, the typical Blitz style is really Rock'n'Roll?”
Already at the age of 16 she knew she wanted to start her own fashion brand one day. Moving to Leipzig for an apprenticeship as custom tailor was an important step and laid the foundation. “My master was insane, on a human as well as on a handicraft level. It was an important time and I think we both took on a lot from it.”
The studded jeans and leather jackets and pants, with flame shaped lacquer edgings, checkered rockabilly tops, leopard leotards and Katakana lettered pullovers of cozy cotton velvet can be bought at Coexist (Friedrichshain), Pink Cadillac (X-Berg), Fac Shop (Amsterdam), Etsy, and of course at Blitz.
But there's much more to come: “Since a few months [there's] that 'Acid Army' project, I'm doing with my wonderful friend Mika Amsterdam. […] On May 17th is our release party at Marie Antoinette. There will be a fashion show and auction, as well as funny monsters, maybe a band, but in any case some Djs - so definitely come!”, Wolfie says and apologizes for advertising, “And with Lui Trash for instance I'm designing an outfit at the moment, about which I am very excited. There will be a lot of vinyl, PVC, chains and studs. Everything in white, red and blue – my absolute favorite color combination at the moment!”
Her wish for Blitz is, to become more of a collective than just a shop, entertaining with little underground fashion shows and events, from concerts to tattoo art or our collaborative editorial shoot with Paula Nietner “Border Of Perception – Of A Drug Addict” (which I'll talk over in two weeks!).
“Everything you do affects each other. With whom you surround yourself and where, which books you read, or which music you are listening to. Therefore I think it can't hurt to try as many things for yourself and remain open. Overall, I'm fine as long as I can do projects I burn for... and that's where I see myself in the future. Yet I'd like to get more stable financially, but other than that I wouldn't do anything different. I think it is important to always stay in motion and focus more on the here and now, instead of wasting too much thought at the future. In the end, everything will always be different, anyway. Haha!
Rock 'n' Roll!”
14th of April: BLITZ SHOP will be at the BERLIN PUNK ROCK MARKET !
ACID ARMY RELEASE PARTY – May 17th at Marie Antoinette, Holzmarktstraße 15-18, 10179 Berlin Friedrichshain
LETTAU l|. ART FASHION is available at BLITZ SHOP since March 2019 !
Groninger Straße 4, 13347 Berlin Wedding